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Physikoi is currently under development. We will open advisor registration at start of the 2016 Fall semester.

Physikoi (pronounced fiz'-ik-ee) is a research journal for students, grades K through 12. Physikoi is designed to fulfill the last step of the scientific process.... publishing. Science curricula across the country teach the scientific method but always leave out the last crucial step of passing on new knowledge to the rest of the world. The concept of knowing something before the rest of the world is a powerful motivator, something we attempt to leverage in our quest to keep students curious, and by definition, life-long learners.

Physikoi can be an extension of classroom activities/projects as well as motivators for individual students. Teachers begin by registering as an advisor. Registration is required and allows you to sponsor group or individual journal submissions.

If you have any questions from either the student or advisor perspective, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for visiting!